Thursday, December 30, 2010

Yup, I'm slipping

So I promised to try to do a post like every Monday. It's Thursday now and how long has it been since my last post? Yeah, this post is basically to apologize for that. Oh, also, if you look up "insect" on Wikipedia, you can see a GIF of a bee taking a leak. For reals.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Recovering from Heroes

Heroes was a pretty cool show. It got me watching tv that wasn't cartoons. The idea of a live action series involving people with super powers was sweet. It was cool that the people with powers all came from different walks of life. There was an artist, a teenage cheerleader, a nurse, a police officer, and a woman who made web cam videos. Like, adult videos. Ever hear that song that's like, "What would you do if your son was at home, crying all alone on the bedroom floor cause he's hungry, and the only way to feed him is to, sleep with a man for a little bit of money..."? I'm getting off topic. That show was pretty sweet because it had all of the super powers that are standard in comics. You know, super speed, mind reading, flight, ect. Even though it certainly was "inspired" a lot by X-men and the story in Watchmen, it was entertaining. Here's what was sweet:

Hiro Nakamura - Japanese geek who gets control over space and time. Seriously, who would enjoy powers more?

The Company - An organization made to keep people with powers from running amok. They have pairs of a regular and a super powered agent. Best team is Noah and a man known as The Haitian.

It was on Mondays - No one really looks forward to Monday. This show helped you start off the week.

Any downsides to the show? Nothing is perfect. The character Angela Petrelli was so annoying and completely worthless to the show. Claire Bennet takes the same route. I don't want to go into these characters further because it will just make me upset.

Heroes lasted four seasons but I only watched the first three (see above for why). I still like the idea of a live action series concerning super powers. Where was I to go? I eventually started watching Tower Prep.
Tower Prep is about a school where kids with powers are a taught how to use them. They are trapped at the school and it's all mysterious and junk. I watched it for to long just hoping that it would get better. It didn't. Super power high school is not cool. All of the powers seemed less combat-friendly. There is a girl who has an extreme sense of taste. Glad I'm not her. Seriously, that power is lame. Very rarely will I opt not to have a super power. I don't really feel like going too much into this show because, overall, it's not that impressive.

Heroes made a void that in the end, even itself couldn't fill. I've given up on live actions super power series. Good thing they came out with that new Avengers cartoon.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

The next post

When will the next post happen? What will it be about? You don't know and neither do I. I have such big plans for the site and yet such a small budget. Not to mention I also don't have the most time on my hands. You've all heard this before. All I ask is that you be patient. You're probably better off forgetting about the site for a really long time. That way, when you remember, there will be a lot of stuff to look at.

Back to business. I need to actually have some content in this post. I don't know what to say. I'm just gonna wing it. If I have a thought I'll type it.

Chili powder on potatoes is never a bad idea.

When is the world going to realize how awesome Steve Zahn is?

I wonder if there is a correlation between how smart your dad is and how bad you are at sports. I figure my dad would be smarter.

I feel like the "@" symbol isn't all that much faster than writing "at."

Ok, enough of that crap. I'm gonna try, you've heard this before, to do a post a week. I can't guarantee a post, but I'll work to give you something. Look for them on Mondays. Peace out.